Vance, Mark

Mark Vance is a composer and music educator living in Nevada City, California. He has played an extensive role composing, teaching, coaching, arranging, conducting, and promoting music throughout his community in the rural California foothills. Composer William Jay Sydeman calls Vance a “21st century kapellmeister living in Nevada City, in charge of making music throughout the town.”
Fundamentally a composer and educator, Vance has studies in piano, voice, clarinet, flute and saxophone. Notables he has studied with include: Pierre Boulez, Aaron Copland, and Gunther Schuller, as well as Robert McFerrin (voice). Vance attended the Cincinnati Conservatory of Music. He has served as Executive Director of the Nevada County Composers Cooperative since 2003. The mission of NCCC is to foster the creation of new music and help facilitate the performances of these new works. Vance currently works for InConcert Sierra as Education Director in charge of creating, implementing and teaching music education programs. His CD’s It’s About Time! and God, I Love Chamber Music! are available on CD Baby and iTunes.
Vance lives in Nevada City with his wife, Estelle, and their two goldfish.