Tipei, Sever

Sever Tipei was born in 1943 in Bucharest, Romania, immigrated to the United States in 1972 and became a U.S. citizen in 1978. He holds degrees in composition from the University of Michigan and in piano performance from the Bucharest Conservatory (now the Bucharest Academy of Music). Sever Tipei has been teaching since 1978 at the University of Illinois School of Music where he manages the Experimental Music Studios of the University of Illinois Computer Music Project . Sever Tipei is also a visiting scientist at the Argonne National Laboratory. MP1, his program for computer-assisted composition in use since 1973, was the first such program to be implemented on a supercomputer ( NCSA 's CRAY X-MP), in 1986. Currently his sound synthesis software runs on the IBM Scalable POWERparallel (SP) System of the Mathematics and Computer Science Division at the Argonne National Laboratory. In collaboration with Hans Kaper (senior mathematician at Argonne), Tipei is developing an Environment for Music Composition , which includes software for composition, sound synthesis, automatic music notation, and visualization of music in a virtual environment CAVE. Tipei and Kaper are also pursuing the idea of sonification of complex scientific data.