Roberts, Bruce

Bruce Roberts is director of Academic Programs for University Outreach at the University of Oklahoma. He received a doctorate in music from OU, a bachelor's degree in education and a master's degree in music, both from the University of Arkansas. In addition, he has completed the Program for Effective Teaching, a master-teacher training certificate. Prior to coming to OU, Dr. Roberts served as instructor and visiting professor at several universities, including the University of Arkansas and East Central University. He has also taught secondary education in Arkansas and has served on a number of community service and professional association boards, including the University Continuing Education Association. Dr. Roberts has written several articles and conducted many professional presentations, most recently presenting "Funding Fine Arts Programs in Continuing Education."
In his role as director of Academic Programs, Dr. Roberts oversees the development and delivery of national and international credit programs, degrees, travel-study programs and non-credit training programs. In addition, he administers and coordinates the Center for English as a Second Language program. Dr. Roberts is responsible for the administration of contracts with public, private and government agencies such as Lockheed Martin and the Homeland Security Corporation and for business and industry relationships with the China Association for International Exchange of Personnel and the China National Offshore Oil Company.