Rice, Philip

Philip Rice is a composer of sacred and secular vocal and instrumental works.
He graduated summa cum laude from Central Michigan University with a B.M. in Composition and Theory, studying under David Gillingham, and has received additional lessons with composers including Tom Cipullo, Cindy McTee, and Roberto Sierra. In fall 2010, he will begin studies at Westminster College of the Arts in Princeton, NJ, persuing an M.M. in Composition.
Philip has won numerous awards for his compositions, among them awards from Chanticleer, The Kansas University Choral Society,, the Kalamazoo Symphony Orchestra, Central Michigan University, and others. Philip’s works have received performances by a variety of ensembles in the states and abroad.
Philip is a founding member of Noisi Paintr, a collaborative group of three composers with similar goals of advancing repertoire for Wind Band.
He collects hourglasses, glass bottles, and picture frames.