Mitchell, Darren

Darren Mitchell was born in Dallas, Texas, November 14th, 1964.
Mr. Mitchell is best known for his music for video games (Turok: Dinosaur Hunter; Turok 2: The Seeds of Evil, Ghost Recon 2: Summit Strike, and numerous other titles) for which Mr. Mitchell has gain world-wide recognition. In addition to his scores for video games, Mr. Mitchell is rapidly becoming known for his unique Concert Music as well.
In 2013, The American Prize composition contest awarded Mr. Mitchell 2nd place for his first published composition for Symphonic Winds, Ascension. Additionally, Mr. Mitchell has several pieces listed multiple state concert band and string orchestra required contest performance lists. Mr. Mitchell holds a Bachelor's of Music Degree from the University of North Texas where he studied composition with Dr. Cindy McTee and Larry Austin. Mr. Mitchell and his family currently reside in Washington State.