Mendoza, Ivan

Ivan Mendoza currently resides in Fort Worth, TX, where he is pursuing a bachelor's in music education, with instrumental emphasis, at Texas Christian University. Growing up in the Rio Grande Valley, Ivan attended Pioneer High School in the city of Mission where he began his musical journey under the direction of Mr. Mauricio Castellano. As part of the Pioneer High School percussion studio, he competed and performed at the Percussive Arts Society International Convention in the fall of 2018 as winners of the IPEC (International Percussion Ensemble Competition). Upon graduation, Ivan was accepted into the TCU percussion studio in Fort Worth where he would move to continue his musical studies under the direction of Dr. Brian A. West, Mr. Joey Carter, and Mr. Jeffery Hodge. Since his acceptance, Ivan has enjoyed his time playing with the multiple performing ensembles including the percussion orchestra, steel band, symphonic band, and symphony orchestra. Ivan is currently going into his final year at TCU before he begins his semester of student teaching.