Edgerton, Michael

Michael Edward Edgerton is a composer whose work elides the boundaries of complexity with practical applications of physical and perceptual models. Since the mid-90’s he has been pioneering work with Multidimensionality and Nonlinear Phenomenon applied to sound production and composition.
Michael’s compositions have received prizes and/or recognition from: Kompositionspreis der Landeshauptstadt Stuttgart, 2007 (First Prize, Tempo Mental Rap, #72, 2005); Composition Contest of the Netherlands Radio Choir, 2007 (Semifinalist, Kalevi Matus, #58, 2000); 5th Dutilleux International Composition Compétition, 2003 (Sélection, 1 sonata, #70, 2004); 31st Festival Synthese Bourges, 2001 (Sélection, The Elements of Risk in Creation, #59, 2001); MacDowell Club, 1996 (First prize, Unspoken Crime #09, 1988); Friends and Enemies of New Music, 1993 (Selection, Net/Byrinth:Rec.Study I, #15, 1991); Midwest Composers Symposium, 1989 (Selection, A Penny for the Young Guy #3, 1986); National Federation of Music Clubs, 1987 (Third Prize, Ai #5, 1987); National Federation of Music Clubs, 1987 (Honorable Mention, Dwellers of the Southwest, #2, 1986); Michigan State Univ-Orchestral Composition Contest, 1986 (First prize, The Final Diary of a Branch, #1, 1985).
His music has been performed by AuditivVokal Dresden, Ekmeles Ensemble, Ensemble Ars Nova, Kairos String Quartet, Stockholm Saxophone Quartet, Quartet New Generation, Works-in-Progress Ensemble and soloists Almut Kühne, Andreas Fröhling, Angela Rademacher-Wingerath, Chatschatur Kanajan, Gary Verkade, Jan Heinke, Jeffrey Burns, Mats Möller, Matthias Bauer, Philippe Arnaudet, Rebekka Uhlig, Stefan Östersjö, Timo Kinnunen, among others.
Michael is engaged with research into voice, acoustics and perception. His work with the extra-normal voice is internationally known through performances, journal publications and a book, The 21st Century Voice published in the New Instrumentation Series (Scarecrow Press).