Coles, Jay

Jay Coles is a composer, conductor, and clinician residing in the wonderful and beautiful state of Indiana. He holds degrees in Liberal Arts, English, Education, and Music from Vincennes University and Ball State University. Jay has come to be known as an emerging and distinguished young composer and is rapidly making his debut on many programs across the globe. Jay’s first composition for wind ensemble, a self-published grade 5 piece entitled “Orchesis: Legends of Thailand,” was premiered in Wakayama-Shi, Japan. The piece was performed by the Kinrinkai Junior and Senior High School Wind Ensemble under the direction of Mr. Masago Hirokazu.
Jay’s performance background is very eclectic. He has performed in numerous jazz ensembles, wind ensembles and pep bands, and currently plays bassoon and euphonium professionally. He is also the lead pianist and residential composer for his church, where he has arranged and composed many works for small choirs and chamber orchestras. He maintains a tight and busy schedule of composing and arranging, performing, and traveling. Additionally, Jay has composed numerous works for wind band for just about every level. Jay’s music is published by Carl Fischer Music, Birch Island Co., and C. Alan Publications, as well as works that are self-published which can be found on his website. Jay accredits composers and mentors Brian Balmages, Larry Clark, Ryan Main, and Michael Markowski for their guidance and many lessons that continue to shape his music—all those lessons that motivate him to thrive as a composer.