Blessinger, Martin

Martin Blessinger is an Associate Professor of Music Theory and Composition at Texas Christian University. He holds a DM in music composition from Florida State University where he was a University Research Fellow, studying with Ladislav Kubik and Ellen Taaffe Zwilich. He received undergraduate and master's degrees from the State University of New York at Stony Brook, studying with Sheila Silver and Perry Goldstein. Prior to arriving at TCU, he worked as a Lecturer in Music Theory at the Ithaca College School of Music.
His works have been performed around the country and abroad by distinguished soloists, collegiate ensembles, professional groups, and community organizations, as well as on conferences at the national and international level. His orchestration of Jessica Grace Wing's score for the critically-acclaimed off-Broadway musical Lost won Best Music in the 2003 New York City Fringe Festival and received a revival performance by the Arizona Onstage Theater Company. Further, he has won awards from the Diana Barnhart American Song Competition (cum laude, for Cradle Song), the Eppes String Quartet Competition (for Postcard from the Americas), the Illinois Wesleyan University Young Composers Competition (for Fanfare for Brass Quintet), the NACUSA Young Composers Competition (for Duo for Saxophone and Piano), and ASCAP. In 2014, he served as guest composer for the Talis Festival & Academy in Saas-Fee, Switzerland and in 2015 he was a featured composer on the Cliburn Foundation concert series.